Power of participatory science in urban setting

Date: December 11, 2022 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Cœur des sciences de l’UQAM, 175 Av. du Président-Kennedy, Montréal, QC H2X 3P2
Category: Conference
Event type: In person

Power of participatory science in urban setting

In French and English. Open to all. Conference on the power of participatory science in urban settings: how to contribute to citizen science to advance conservation interests with iNaturalist .

Technoparc Oiseaux has implemented 4 biodiversity census projects that have contributed to increasing public awareness of the need to preserve the 215 ha north of the PET-YUL airport. For its part, the Campus Biodiversity Network has developed over a dozen iNaturalist projects to encourage students to explore nature.

Together, these organizations are organizing the City Nature Challenge for Greater Montreal with the support of the Canadian Wildlife Federation. Rosemère Vert likewise serves as a powerful example of what citizens can accomplish during a City Nature Challenge bioblitz.


James Pagé, Biodiversity Specialist, Canadian Wildlife Federation

Jackie Martin, Urban Agriculture and Biodiversity Coordinator, Concordia University

Julie Maurais, Founding member, Rosemère Vert

Katherine Collin, Founding member, Campus Biodiversity Network; Co-Organizer, Technoparc Oiseaux